Why American Aberdeen cattle should be your choice
- Adapt to a wide range of weather conditions
- Are well suited for both small acreage and larger operations
- Are naturally polled
- Make great mothers
- Offer superior calving ease when mated to virgin heifers
- Are docile and are great for senior adults, women, children and those with disabilities
- Do not require expensive equipment and can be managed with minimal facilities
- Are perfect for specialty beef operations, including grass finished, all natural and organic
- Are 100% Angus cattle and offer all the advantages of Angus cattle in a smaller package
- Are perfect for youth beef projects including the 4H & the FFA organizations
- Are extremely efficient
- Fast early growth rate, lower feed costs, smaller mature weights
- Higher stocking rate than larger breeds and crossbreeds
- Perfectly suited for smaller acreage producers
- Extremely docile for management ease
- Angus based genetics for taste, tenderness, and marbling
- Typically larger rib eyes per 100 lbs of body weight than the larger Angus
- Highest retail percent of live weight of all breeds
- More pounds of retail beef per acre
- Smaller framed, heavily muscled, quality carcass
- Ideal commercial cattle
- Marble and grade easily on grass
- Fast early growth rate, lower feed costs, smaller mature weights
- And provide:
- More Profit
- More Rib Eye Area (Per 100 lbs. of body weight)
- More Marbling
- More Unassisted Births
- More Live Calves
- More Enjoyable (For the entire family!)